Monday, October 15, 2012

Still Not There!!

So i got another letter! But this time i didn't get it until after lunch :) it was really nice but whats frustrating me is that it doesn't say you wrote it! this time it was signed...
                                                                   "you are loved!"
I am so confused and touched at the same time. The only people i told about my problems was Hannah, Lander, Ellih and Torie, and Addy.
Who would write me a letter and tell me they love me and can't sign there name.
(I still want it to be Lander who is writing the letters, but for some reason i get this feeling in the pit of my stomach that says it's not... and it would just be weird to ask him and tell him what i think because i think he gets mad at me when i bring up how much i like him.)
I just hope i figure out who's writhing these letters before i get my hopes up. Lander used to be there for me whenever something went wrong even if it was stupid. Now he barely even talks to me and it hurts to know that i did something to cause it. 


  1. Dear God!!! Don't let him read this.. i need to think before i type!!! :/

  2. as peanut would say..... NRRRRRMMMMMMMMM
